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Vacation Bible School 2023:
keepers of the kingdom!

Every day it seems like more and more voices are competing for our attention: social media, television, podcasts...enough to drive you crazy! In the spiritual world around us, a very similar battle is taking place between the forces of God and the forces of the Devil. At VBS this year, children will learn all about this "spiritual warfare" and how God prepares us to be "keepers" of His kingdom: with the Armor of God!

About Our Vacation Bible School

Songs and Skits

VBS begins at 9am from Monday to Friday. Children are led in a time of song and praise by our team leaders, followed by a daily puppet show performed by our church theatre group: The Third Thespians.

Christ-Centered Classes

Learn to Read
VBS is offered for children 4 y.o. through 6th grade, with Bible-oriented lessons, learning material, and teachers to accommodate all ages in that range.

Time to Relax and Play

Craft Supplies
Each class in VBS is provided time for crafts and games, giving them time to socialize and make new friends! 

Meet our Staff



Beth Baldwin

Teacher, 4 y.o. & Kindergarten

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Helene Cimeno,

Teacher, 3rd & 4th Grade

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Karen Bech

Teacher, 1st & 2nd Grade

Heather Bech

Teacher, 5th & 6th Grade


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Caitriana Karnes

Helper, 4 y.o. & Kindergarten

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Lois Mecutchen

Helper, 5th & 6th Grade

Doris Dyson

Helper, Various

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Jane Buck

Helper, 4th & 5th Grade

Steve Grillo,

Helper, Security

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Barbara Zeidler

Helper, Various


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Jordyn Quinn

Crafts, 1st-6th Grade


Dena Quinn

Crafts, 1st-6th Grade

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Jayden Quinn

Crafts, 1st-6th Grade

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Linda Manini

Crafts, Pre-K & Kindergarten

The Third Thespians

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Sean Dyson

Actor, "Barf the Dog"

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Glenn Dyson

Actor, Various

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Jordyn Quinn

Actress, "Pete the Penguin"

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Caitriana Karnes

Actor, Barfina

Our Director

Patricia Dyson

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